
Trusted Craftsmanship for Farms and Businesses.

4 Phases of Construction

phase 1 initial consultation construction duckworth contracting moose jaw

Phase 1: Initial Consultation

phase 2 custoized proposal construction duckworth contracting moose jaw

Phase 2: Customized Proposal

construction icon 2 white

Phase 3: Construction

phase 4 project handover construction duckworth contracting moose jaw

Phase 4: Project Handover

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Phases of Construction

Phase 1: Initial Consultation

We start with a personalized meeting to discuss the vision for your project:

  • Clarify your overall objectives and explore various options
  • Determine the size, scope, and intended use of the facility
  • Review blueprint, engineering, and design possibilities
  • Establish a general timeline and key milestones for the project

Phase 2: Customized Proposal

Based on our discussions, we’ll create a detailed design proposal:

  • Refine your goals and project specifications
  • Choose the structure type that fits your needs:
    • Post Frame
    • Stick Frame
    • Concrete
  • Select custom features, including:
    • Roofing and Flooring
    • Doors and Windows
    • Exterior and Interior Finishes
  • Confirm your project budget
  • Leverage our in-house design to streamline the process and reduce engineering costs
  • Review and provide feedback on the design blueprints
  • Finalize the project estimate, incorporating your input

Phase 3: Construction

Once the design is approved, we begin construction:

  • Build the facility based on the approved design
  • Complete all interior and exterior finishes
  • Deliver any additional services as specified
  • Provide regular progress updates, either weekly or monthly, depending on the project duration

Phase 4: Project Handover

As we reach completion, we ensure a smooth transition:

  • Notify you when construction is finished
  • Hand over the keys to your new facility
  • Conduct a final walkthrough to ensure everything meets your expectations
  • Offer warranty and ongoing support for any follow-up needs

Years Established

Completed Projects


WallBar Insulation

Duckworth Contracting in Moose Jaw utilizes WallBAR insulation (made in Canada), a specially formulated blown-in cellulose ideal for vertical applications. This dense-pack method fills wall cavities completely, eliminating air convection within walls and creating an outstanding air, thermal, fire, and noise reduction barrier.  WallBAR insulation is resistant to mice and other pests making it a great product to use in Agriculture, Commercial and Industrial applications. WallBAR insulation enhances energy efficiency, resulting in warmer, quieter, and more comfortable buildings that meet high performance standards.


Effective and highly stable R-Value


Resists convective air leakage and condensation


Wamer winters & cooler summers


Quieter environment


Lower energy costs for lifetime


Resistant to mice and other pests


An "Environmental Choice" product


Mould and fungi resistant


Utilizes more recycle content than any other insulation material


Fire resistant


Does NOT contain asbestos, glass fire or formaldehyde


High resistance to air leakage

WallBAR logo
wallbar insulation duckworth contracting moose jaw southern saskatchwan

Always so happy with the projects they do for us

Dawn Olson Johnstone
arctec - logo - drafting Moose Jaw

At arc•tec design + drafting we offer custom design drafting service.  We will work with you and Duckworth Contracting to design your custom building.